Enough Description, Show Me The Visuals
Tired of getting to the beach and finding nothing but a flat ocean? Where should you go? What spots are pumping? All surfers face this dilemma at some point or another. Whether they’re on dawn patrol in their hometown or surfing an area for the first time worldSURF will give you the edge to know before you go.
Create a web portal where surfers can go check webcams, get information and see the latest news on their favorite surfing destinations. The website will contain information on spots around the world so when surfers travel they can go informed. Surfers will be able to see surf maps and notes regarding the surfing locations they choose to go to. The site will also include a private side where surfers can create accounts that will let them save surf spots for future viewing. Also, users will be able to sign to the site’s newsletter to remain up to date on the latest and greatest that is happening around the world.
For this client I was tasked to create the design of the logo, the site and the mobile version of the site. Initially, I created the logo along with a wireframe of the home page and two color schemes, a light version and a dark version. The client opted to go with the dark scheme and so I created two sample screens of the website and a version of the mobile site. The logo, the wireframe and the screens were created using Photoshop and Illustrator.