Register your pet with a free account on our website and keep the information on the chip up to date. You can update at any time and add new pets at any time. By logging in you will see a Pet Registry Dashboard with Create, Edit, and Update functionality. Always make sure you pet is secure.
Pet owners today want more tools to keep track of their pets. One of the best tools in our opinion is the GPS collar. It works much the same as a regular collar but it has a GPS chip build in with the registration number that will allow you to track your pet. You can register your GPS collar on our website and have your pet show up on to easily locate them.
Several times a year we work in conjunction with local vets and animal shelters to have free micro chipping events for pet owners. We have many sponsors and volunteers that help us at these events to make sure your cat or dog is chipped. Please check our Events page for more information.